Fresh out of their harrowing worldwide adventures in Saving the World and Other Extreme Sports, Max and the rest of the Flock-- Fang, Iggy, Nudge, the Gasman, and Angel-- want nothing more than a time to rest, a time to heal, a time to, in a way, start over again. But the government just won't allow it. Though it seems their intentions are noble, the high-ranking scientists simply want to examine them. And, worst of all, they mention the word school. Wrong choice around the Flock.
It takes a lot of convincing for them to return, only after the return of the Voice in Max's head. They agree to go on a scientific expedition to monitor the effects of global warming. The catch-- it's in Antarctica. A nice, balmy place, right?
Plus there's a real nasty piece of work, the Uber-Director, who's sending his robotic minions after the Flock in an attempt to capture and sell them-- which will put things in place for him to control the world. Hey, at least it's not ITEX.
Add this to the facts-- that Max and Fang don't know what to do about each other, that they're all starting to develop new and strange powers, even Total, that their mission seems as if it will never be finished-- and you've got a lot crammed into one little 250 page book.
Yes, it's too short. Considering the fact that you can't put it down, you'll be finished with this latest adventure in a matter of hours.